Hi Mark,
there's no need to redo this test between X1 & 13, as I mentioned before it doesn't matter as this is part of the circuit that appears to be working.
As far as the C5 scene in Germany goes, well they appear to be very few and far between. I'm just SW of Munich and when checking in YouTube I found a video from some guy cruising around in Munich, but I can no longer find the bl**dy video. There is another video in YouTube of an electric car meeting, mentioned by Theo (from C5alive), where there was a car with a Greater Munich registration (every population centre in Germany has it's own registration, e.g. M for Munich). I was going to try and contact these guys to see if they were interested in having a meetup in Munich, but with my workload it might not be possible.
So I'm keeping an eye open concerning the op-amp swop,

and don't forget to do the op-amp voltage supply mod.
Once again, a tip. When handling the op-amp avoid touching the leads with your fingers, always ground yourself before working on the boards. This is to prevent damage caused by static electricity.
Av phun.