It 'only' took four hours of scrubbing with Cillit Bang, Flash 3-in-1 bleach, Revive compound, cleaning pads, a pressure washer, scalpel and loads of good old fashioned elbow grease to get this Sinclair C5 body looking like it does prior to fitting to the built up chassis very soon.
After a good drying off I then decided to 'gift wrap' it to keep it as clean as possible before opening the mince pies in celebration! Although it still shows a few battle scars from its thirty years of intermittent use and maybe a little abuse, it gets to keep its original headlight decals.
Oil had been overused on the chain and had been flung everywhere, a real problem area underneath to remove, but the weather was great a few days ago, clear blue skies all the way, so persistence paid off with the aforementioned list of potions!