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Author Topic: Tire Drive Gear  (Read 8862 times)

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Tire Drive Gear
« on: 10, June, 2015 - 14:30:29 »
My tire bolt came loose driving home and started "clicking".  on further inspection the "clicking" was the plastic drive gears from tire to axl wearing the teeth.  Is there any known replacements to this?  On the 24V versions C5's, how do you go about reinforcing this weak link?  I tightened the tire nut very tight and all is well (enough) but still slips "clicks" every so often when the gear is jumping teeth.  Also when tightening the tire nut down to "solve" the gear issue, the tire will not rotate as easily.

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Re: Tire Drive Gear
« Reply #1 on: 10, June, 2015 - 15:13:06 »
To be more specific, the gears in question are not the drive gears from the motor belt.  It's the "Tire Gears" for the drive tire.  The slipping / teeth wear issue is for both motor driven and pedal driven

Offline KarlG

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Re: Tire Drive Gear
« Reply #2 on: 10, June, 2015 - 19:33:09 »
Hi Adam,

there are two ways of stopping the belt from slipping,

The first is to loosen the motor clamp and rotate the motor until the slack has been taken up.

The second is to use a cable tie to prevent  the motor from twisting. Have a look here:,1181.0.html

Av phun.

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Re: Tire Drive Gear
« Reply #3 on: 10, June, 2015 - 21:41:26 »
Karl,  It's not the Belt gear.  It's mated part where the wheel attaches to the axl.  So when pedaling or driving by motor and the axl turns, the wheel does not turn.   Pedaling or motor free spins the axl without moving the tires


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Re: Tire Drive Gear
« Reply #4 on: 11, June, 2015 - 07:52:06 »
Hi there not sure what you mean but I think this is the problem ,,,,,,....???? Check out the photos and you will see that there are two washers between the large white cog and the wheel ..when you tighten the wheel that some times happens is the alloy plate comes loos due to there not being enough washers between them and the plate becomes loose you may need more washers between them as if axle has gone round but not the wheel it's because the plate may have worn down the 6 plastic wheel clips so you need to put the alloy plate back on the wheel and May have to put 1/2 washer on the axle tube bearing to stop the plate from moving of the wheel ..there needs to be a little play but very little ..
Sorry if it sounds hard to understand ....
But if you want you could send me a PM measage and leave your full landline no then I will ring you up later
All the best Chas .

As you can see in the last photo the alloy plat has come off it needs to be pushed back on to the wheel then washers between the plate and the large drive cog so that there is just a little play between them .if you are not sure just get back to me
Bye Chas

« Last Edit: 11, June, 2015 - 08:09:57 by C5 ENTHUSIAST + RESTORER »

Offline USA-C5-Owner

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Re: Tire Drive Gear
« Reply #5 on: 17, June, 2015 - 14:56:56 »

This is exactly where the gear is stripped.  The teeth were worn.  I think your suggestion is correct and I dont remember there being washers, so I will take the wheels off on Sunday and check.  I'll take some photos and post back early next week.  Thanks Chas!


Offline USA-C5-Owner

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Re: Tire Drive Gear
« Reply #6 on: 13, July, 2015 - 15:44:46 »
Ok, So I finally had time to work on it yesterday and yup, no washers.  Also, Chas - you were right on the seperation of the plate and alloy wheel.  Wow, very impressed with your understanding of these vehicles!

I was going to head down to the hardware store in search of more washers, but looking through my "widgets" box, I found a open bearing that may be a good fit.  I installed the bearing and lubed it with marine grease and all seems good.  Tire spins fine with no wobble.  Not sure if this is a possible long-term solution or if I should install washers as originally intended.


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Re: Tire Drive Gear
« Reply #7 on: 13, July, 2015 - 22:25:46 »
Hi there Adam sounds like you have it running ok ...
But if you want a couple of washers let me know and I will send some all the best Chas