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Offline Theojw71

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24volt and 12volt accessories
« on: 19, March, 2016 - 21:25:06 »

I have a C5 that I wanted to convert to 24 volt power, but also run a horn, lights and indicators from (which are 12 volts).

I removed the original wiring loom; bought a 24 volt Lifepo battery; connected it up to the motor; and bought a 24v/12v converter with a view to wiring that in to run the accessories off the 24volt power.

I also bought a handlebar switch control to run lights, indicators and horn from.

The good news; on 24 volt power the C5 ran great.
The bad news; before many minutes, on each run the power either blew the in- line fuse I had fitted, or actually melted the battery connectors.

I feel I am totally out of my depth now and am putting out an honest SOS. Anyone free to help me finish this project and get my C5 running under 24 volt power with working accessories? I have undertaken the brake conversion to manage the extra power (steel wheel at front and updated rear disc brake).

I am Wigan-based so ideally someone local to the North West? (but I will take help and instruction from anyone anywhere - I would say my skills and knowledge in electronics are LIMITED)

Offline KarlG

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Re: 24volt and 12volt accessories
« Reply #1 on: 21, March, 2016 - 19:45:23 »

Im sorry but there are a few points that are not clear,
The bad news; before many minutes, on each run the power either blew the in- line fuse I had fitted, or actually melted the battery connectors.

I assume the fuse is fitted in the 24v line.
either blew the in- line fuse I had fitted, or actually melted the battery connectors
1) What amperage is the fuse?
2) Have you checked the fuse and the battery connectors?
3) Connect the motor directly to the battery, WARNING, make sure the drive wheel is off the ground.

Let me know the results, and we can take it from there.

Av Phun.


Offline Lancealot

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Re: 24volt and 12volt accessories
« Reply #2 on: 17, April, 2016 - 20:11:29 »
Hi theojw71.
I have done a few c5 refurbs and also in the middle of a 24v conversion.
I am an ex electronics engineer so know my way round the wiring of a c5.
I also live in North Manchester and come to Wigan on a regular basis.
email me directly with you contact details and see when I am free.
Ta Lance

Offline Paul Langton-Rogers

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Re: 24volt and 12volt accessories
« Reply #3 on: 15, May, 2016 - 14:22:32 »

I have a C5 that I wanted to convert to 24 volt power, but also run a horn, lights and indicators from (which are 12 volts).

I removed the original wiring loom; bought a 24 volt Lifepo battery; connected it up to the motor; and bought a 24v/12v converter with a view to wiring that in to run the accessories off the 24volt power.

I also bought a handlebar switch control to run lights, indicators and horn from.

The good news; on 24 volt power the C5 ran great.
The bad news; before many minutes, on each run the power either blew the in- line fuse I had fitted, or actually melted the battery connectors.

I feel I am totally out of my depth now and am putting out an honest SOS. Anyone free to help me finish this project and get my C5 running under 24 volt power with working accessories? I have undertaken the brake conversion to manage the extra power (steel wheel at front and updated rear disc brake).

I am Wigan-based so ideally someone local to the North West? (but I will take help and instruction from anyone anywhere - I would say my skills and knowledge in electronics are LIMITED)

Maybe a silly question from a total n00b to C5 world but...

I see a lot about this 24v upgrade... what are the advantages to this, and what does it involve?

Is it basically adding TWO 12v car batteries to provide redundancy power to the existing motor (but leaving all the electrics intact with their hill climbing limitations)... or is the 24v upgrade more involved and designed to overcome the under-powered short-comings of the C5 on hills etc?