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Author Topic: Thu 8 Jan 2015 - BBC Radio 5 Live  (Read 7952 times)

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Offline patbrooks

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Thu 8 Jan 2015 - BBC Radio 5 Live
« on: 06, January, 2015 - 13:13:12 »
Hi All

BBC Radio 5 has a feature called 'I was there' They discuss a historic news story on its anniversary and want to talk about the Sinclair C5 this Thursday

They have contacted us direct and we will be helping them but they are also looking for the following

They want to talk to someone who purchased a C5 NEW in 1985

They are also keen to talk to anyone who worked at the Hoover plant

If you fit either of the above and would like to be involved in the live broadcast this Thursday please contact Neil or Ed as soon as possible to discuss what and how to go ahead

It looks like it is going to be an interesting birthday year for the C5

Thanks Pat