C5alive Marketplace > For Sale - Complete Sinclair C5
Two tidy Sinclair C5's closing on eBay today
Paul Langton-Rogers:
This one looks in very good condition with all the extras, wing mirrors, seat and booster, indicators, looks, fully restored, a little over an hour to go guys, if anyone interested will have to be quick, but it has no maiden bids (starting price look too high at £1,250..
The second C5 is a non-runner but looks tidy and a good restoration product for someone, has a lot of bids though, and around 3-4 hours to go..
The second C5 is a non-runner but looks tidy and a good restoration product for someone, has a lot of bids though, and around 3-4 hours to go..
Btw, I own neither of those C5's nor have any connection with the sellers. I'm just posting in case they're of interest to anyone.
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