Looking at your replies, it looks like Uncle Clive is doing his usual mail order thing - announcing and marketing a product before all the R&D is complete. It's exactly what they did with the QL.
Now, for this new X-1 to be classified in such a way as to allow anyone over the age of 14 with no license / insurance to legally ride it on the streets, it must be limited to 15 mph as the C5 is. That is a great shame, because with the aerodynamic bodywork and modern battery / motor design it does stand a chance of being an interesting alternative for short journeys. However, I am not sure I want to tootle around town at 15mph; it was bad enough when I used the C5 for serious transport..
So, what we need is some way of delimiting it post-purchase. I once saw a video of a 24v C5 conversion that really screamed along (I bet the motor didn't last long!) and, knowing what I know about how the C5 handles at speed ("twitchy" is the right word) I wouldn't recommend it. But the X-1 may be rigid enough to handle the additional speed, and the disk brakes have a chance of slowing it down in a timely fashion.
Interesting thought eh?