Nice to meet you Mike , fingers crossed you manage to get yourself sorted with a C5 in time for the next one

Todays run was eventful

, with the odd bit of drama but a really fab day.
Great to meet up with Umpa, Lee , Ray & Trevor - top respect for travelling so far in order to get your fix of C5 fun

I was blown away when Matt and his crew met up with us in Queenstown , not something we normally see on our C5 runs , another group of C5's out and about
Shame "London" wasn't a bit more welcoming regarding Matt's filming project - I never knew that you needed a permit for filming if your camera exceeded a certain size
The only other snags were the front wheel bearings collapsing on Trevors borrowed C5 and Voodoo's gearbox started grumbling at the top of Hyde Park. Voodoo is still running, but I'm going to dismantle it tomorrow and see what the damage is

The weather was fab, my arms and face feel a bit sunburnt

, but it's all good - another fab run

Some piccies ;