i'd like to come to this one. Thing is where can I leave the trailor ?
You're quite right to be concerned about leaving a trailer unattended in London...

There are a couple of options you might want to consider ;
- you could come stay at my place the night before and leave your trailer in my garage , or come down really early on the day ,& we can take your C5 in the bus we used at Shoreham
- I'll bring along a couple of my motorbike padlock&chains and chain the trailer to your car
The intention is to meet at Clapham Common around 9am to unload the c5's(leaving someone to keep an eye on them ) and then drive all the cars to the finish point near the Albert Hall. We can then use my MPV to ferry everyone back to the c5's at the start point. My MPV is going to be driven by "whitevanman" (Phil) to act as a support car. The aim is to give people the option of finishing the run at the Albert Hall and going home, or carrying on and exploring Hyde Park etc. This means everyone can vary how long the run takes to fit in with journey times etc.
I'll put some more route details etc up a little later on.