
"I don't live in the past. I'm always excited by what I'm doing in the present." Sir Clive Sinclair

Author Topic: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run  (Read 45997 times)

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April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« on: 03, January, 2009 - 20:54:53 »
 Remember Blablublablablububs suggestion about photographing C5's in front of landmark buildings ?

This meeting should help provide some scenic photo opportunities  ;)

Starting at Clapham Common (Windmill Drive) we will use the bike paths to take us through the common, then use the local roads to Chelsea Bridge. We can stop by the bridge for a tea break before heading up to Sloane Square, and the posh retail area of Sloane Street etc. We can also include the famous Harrods, Victoria & Albert Museum, National History Museum, Science Museum and Royal Albert Hall in our sightseeing tour.

The idea is to finish the run at the Royal Albert Hall to change batteries etc, then go for a look around Hyde Park.

More details to follow nearer the time, but this should be a really good run - nice and flat apart from a big downhill bit at the beginning.     
« Last Edit: 03, January, 2009 - 21:02:53 by Karl (C5Alive) »

Offline alan1310

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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #1 on: 06, January, 2009 - 12:10:36 »
sounds cool if i am back up and running


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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #2 on: 14, January, 2009 - 10:42:18 »
Phil has confirmed he will be available as a support driver for the day, which is good news  ;)

Be just like the London-Brighton run.... ;D


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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #3 on: 17, March, 2009 - 17:33:01 »
(Re :  our phone last week about filming London calling 19th april 2009)
Hi Karl
I would just like to confirm with you that we would like to film a few parts of your journey in London with the c5 club. We will be filming our 4 c5s round London for the whole weekend and possibly the weekend after if we don’t capture enough of the right shots.

We are aiming to make a small video about Sir Clive and his Sinclair c5 story but in the way as if it was a huge success, showing how green it was, how original it was and how it would have looked if c5s were around everywhere in London.

We plan to use computer graphics and effects to clone c5s in as if they were everywhere but need real ones for the main shots. We are making a computer model of the c5 at this stage. It would be so much better and effective if we could capture a group real c5s in one go as an added bonus.

We will be doing Piccadilly and it is a great shame that it isn’t in your route but we can get round that with our 4 Sinclair c5s and our team.
Looking at your route it would be good if we could capture some shots these 3 places.

1.   Chelsea bridge with Battersea power station in the back ground
2.   Harrods
3.    Buckingham palace/Hyde park.

If any of members of the c5 convoy aren’t sure about doing this it wouldn’t be a problem and could even look good if we film some C5s that were parked up.

If  fellow club members are interested please let me know and pass on any comments or suggestions as we would be very grateful

Many thanks

Sinclair mat


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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #4 on: 17, March, 2009 - 21:33:57 »
I'll be checking the route and publishing some more details soon, but I am sure those taking part will be quite happy being filmed enjoying themselves  :o :P

Offline fezza_rs

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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #5 on: 18, March, 2009 - 15:06:45 »
is it a problem that i cycle naked? :P

Offline Umpa

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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #6 on: 20, March, 2009 - 13:05:39 »
i'd like to come to this one. Thing is where can I leave the trailor ?


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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #7 on: 20, March, 2009 - 18:39:42 »
i'd like to come to this one. Thing is where can I leave the trailor ?

You're quite right to be concerned about leaving a trailer unattended in London... :-X

There are a couple of options you might want to consider ;

- you could come stay at my place the night before and leave your trailer in my garage , or come down really early on the day ,& we can take your C5 in the bus we used at Shoreham

- I'll bring along a couple of my motorbike padlock&chains and chain the trailer to your car

The intention is to meet at Clapham Common around 9am to unload the c5's(leaving someone to keep an eye on them ) and then drive all the cars to the finish point near the Albert Hall. We can then use my MPV to ferry everyone back to the c5's at the start point. My MPV is going to be driven by "whitevanman" (Phil) to act as a support car.  The aim is to give people the option of finishing the run at the Albert Hall and going home, or carrying on and exploring Hyde Park etc. This means everyone can vary how long the run takes to fit in with journey times etc.

I'll put some more route details etc up a little later on.


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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #8 on: 20, March, 2009 - 19:27:30 »

Guess what its me!!!  My C5 still seems to be working and I am interested in the London run.
What is the situation of the parking around the Albert Hall?

I am in London the week before but without the C5, so I will have to nip back to Cornwall Sat eve and get back in time for a 9am start at Clapham Common.

Will confirm with you nearer the time.

Bye for now



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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #9 on: 20, March, 2009 - 19:45:27 »

Guess what its me!!!  My C5 still seems to be working and I am interested in the London run.
What is the situation of the parking around the Albert Hall?

I am in London the week before but without the C5, so I will have to nip back to Cornwall Sat eve and get back in time for a 9am start at Clapham Common.

Will confirm with you nearer the time.

Bye for now


wow Paul it is great to hear from you again  8) ;D

Glad to hear you're still out there using a C5 mate !

Parking on a Sunday morning near the Albert Hall shouldn't be a problem, but I will be doing a recce soon just to check  ;)


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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #10 on: 21, March, 2009 - 20:08:38 »
WOOOO cant wait should be fun!!  ;D


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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #11 on: 26, March, 2009 - 20:43:33 »
Hi Karl,

Count me in for this one!!!

I will keep an eye on the forum for more info (times etc)



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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #12 on: 26, March, 2009 - 22:44:01 »
Hi Karl,

Count me in for this one!!!

I will keep an eye on the forum for more info (times etc)


It will be good to see you there mate  :)

...looks like we're going to have a nice mix of old and new members , just how it should be  8)

Shaping up to be a good meeting  ;)

Offline Umpa

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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #13 on: 27, March, 2009 - 06:34:11 »
Me too :)

I'd like to take you up on your offer of leaving the trailer at your house, and my C5 hitching a ride in bus if thats ok ?


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Re: April 19th 2009 LONDON CALLING ! Sightseeing run
« Reply #14 on: 27, March, 2009 - 09:57:50 »
Karl,I may also have a problem with a trailer?
Do you have room for another c5 in your bus?