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Author Topic: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?  (Read 9836 times)

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Offline jockywilson11

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Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« on: 16, July, 2014 - 22:38:19 »
Just wondered if anyone has ever managed to fit a derailuer and a 7speed hub to a C5? If so what do you need? Could definitely help going uphill and get more speed out the beast on the flat!

Offline kamztrad

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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #1 on: 18, July, 2014 - 10:17:24 »
Have fitted sturmey archer hubs (not derailleur) to 2 c5's which worked well, the issue with derailleur gears is the limited amount of space available and the lack of ground clearance with the derailleur hanging down. The hub's I've fitted have been 3 speed and have made the c5 more usable with low start off gear, middle cruising gear and high gear for pedalling anything up to about 20 mph.

Offline dantheref

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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #2 on: 18, July, 2014 - 14:22:54 »

I am doing that mod atm. Can you send me/ upload some pics please? i need to see the bracket you have used to hold the sturmey archer (what did you make it from? Alu or steel?) also how many teeth are on each cog!



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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #3 on: 18, July, 2014 - 22:46:09 »
Sounds good, any pics?

How did you move the drive cog on the drive shaft, and what spec Sturmey archer did you use?


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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #4 on: 19, July, 2014 - 10:34:40 »
Hi I have picked  two Sachs s7 super  7 speed hubs one compete with cable and twist grip and one without  but hope to find one on EBay later . So as soon as I get back from my holidays I will be starting a new restoration with one of the 7 speed hubs in place but before I start on the C5  restoration I will be stripping the hubs down and cleaning and greasing them and also making sure they work I know the one with the twist grip works as I tested it before taking it off the bike ..
The Gear ratios are as follow

1st gear = 0.59
2nd  "    = 0.69
3rd   "    = 0.81
4th Direct drive
5th. "     = 1.24
6th  "     = 1.48
7th. ".    = 1.69
That is at it was on the bike but it will change when I put the other cog on (if I can get it welded on ok )
Bye Chas
« Last Edit: 19, July, 2014 - 11:03:58 by C5 ENTHUSIAST + RESTORER »

Offline kamztrad

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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #5 on: 20, July, 2014 - 16:04:30 »

Hope these photo's help, they show the brackets fitted both sides of the 7 speed hub, the brackets are made from 2mm thick aluminium sheet, which are reasonably easy to cut and shape, and are bolted to the c5 chassis and a hard wood member fitted across the chassis between the 2 hubs - the hub sprocket is 20 teeth, and the one welded to the sprocket body is 22 teeth I think - the output sprocket (welded one) is aligned with the freewheel cog on the c5 axle, and the input from the pedals is slightly further to the right, but due to the length of chain run between pedals and sprocket this has not caused any problems - I have used this method for both my 3 speed and 7 speed hubs without any probs.  ;) ;)

Offline jockywilson11

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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #6 on: 21, July, 2014 - 17:32:33 »
Where did you get the output cog then?

Offline dantheref

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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #7 on: 21, July, 2014 - 18:25:54 »
Thanks kamztrad that's really usefull! Did you get a flat cog to put on the sturmey archer?

What is it like to ride with the 3 gear system?



Offline kamztrad

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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #8 on: 21, July, 2014 - 23:58:33 »
If you search E-bay for Sturmey Archer Sprocket 22T you will find the sprocket - it is dished but to weld it to the hub flange I had to machine out the hole in the middle to the correct size which in effect removed the dished part.
I have to say the c5 drives superbly with the 3 speed hub combined with my 12/24 volt relay set up. I have increased the chassis length by 100 mm which allows me to extend my legs and pedal properly which is more comfortable and enables me to use the maximum power from my longer legs.
As a consequence of the longer chassis I have had to increase the ride height at the front which allows the front wheel to protrude slightly beyond the front bodywork. I have also designed my own bespoke dipped/mainbeam headlight and improved rear lights and indicators.
If I get some time over the next couple of days I'll post a couple of pics for you.
In summary the 3 speed gives you a nice low ratio for pulling away and a medium and high ratio to enable me to assist the motor at higher speeds for easier cruising and longer battery and lower motor temperature.

Offline dantheref

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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #9 on: 22, July, 2014 - 06:32:22 »
If you search E-bay for Sturmey Archer Sprocket 22T you will find the sprocket - it is dished but to weld it to the hub flange I had to machine out the hole in the middle to the correct size which in effect removed the dished part.
I have to say the c5 drives superbly with the 3 speed hub combined with my 12/24 volt relay set up. I have increased the chassis length by 100 mm which allows me to extend my legs and pedal properly which is more comfortable and enables me to use the maximum power from my longer legs.
As a consequence of the longer chassis I have had to increase the ride height at the front which allows the front wheel to protrude slightly beyond the front bodywork. I have also designed my own bespoke dipped/mainbeam headlight and improved rear lights and indicators.
If I get some time over the next couple of days I'll post a couple of pics for you.
In summary the 3 speed gives you a nice low ratio for pulling away and a medium and high ratio to enable me to assist the motor at higher speeds for easier cruising and longer battery and lower motor temperature.

Perfect thanks...

Some pics or info on the 12/24 relay set up would be good i assume you are not using a control box and pod in that set up? Was considering doing something similar.

Offline kamztrad

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Re: Derailuer Hub - anyone tried fitting one?
« Reply #10 on: 23, July, 2014 - 12:13:25 »
As promised some pics of my long wheel base c5 with 12/24 volt conversion, enhanced cooling fan, rear disc brake and digital motor temp and voltage display.

I will post a wiring diagram if I can find one,