
C5 Alive attending the following event
Easter Sunday 20th April 2014 - Sandwich Gears of Change Motor Show - Kent

Author Topic: C5Alive The One Show Photos  (Read 6551 times)

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C5Alive The One Show Photos
« on: 10, January, 2015 - 19:06:23 »
Here is a selection of photos from the start to the end of the day yesterday at The One Show.
We would like to thank all of the members who came along and took part in the day, some of you travelled from far away to be there and this was very much appreciated.
We would like to say thank you to Andrew Toop for bringing the JPS C5 and we would also like to say a very big thank you to Elo from the London Motor Museum for sharing 4 of your museum C5's, we know you couldn't be there yourself due to other commitments but it was lovely they could be part of the event.