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Author Topic: C5Alive Event - Silverstone Classic 24 25 26 July 2015  (Read 7376 times)

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Offline patbrooks

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C5Alive Event - Silverstone Classic 24 25 26 July 2015
« on: 13, February, 2015 - 10:36:01 »
Silverstone Classic Rocking and racing event on 24th 25th 26th July 2015

The WORLDS BIGGEST Classic Motor Racing Festival

Celebrates its 25th Anniversary with more flat out family fun than ever.

Car club members display package: 2 adult admission tickets & an in-field car display pass from only £39.

The cream of historic Grand prix, Le Mans prototypes, Sports, GT and Touring cars covering 80 years of racing.

Live classic rock from the legendary StatusQuo

Over 10,000 classic cars on display across the weekend with many anniversary celebrations and parades including the special jubilee ‘Silver Sunday’

Aerial displays, vintage fun fair, huge shopping village, interactive driving activities, dynamic demonstrations and much more.

C5Alive have registered to attend the above event and this means we have been given a dedicated code for booking to attend the event.


To purchase tickets to attend you need to visit website to gain access to the car club display packages using code C1525084

Ticket Hotline – 0871 231 0849

Pricing Matrix   Early Bird      Advanced
                 Until 31/3/15   1/4/15-31/5/15

Friday         £39         £46
Sat                 £65         £70
Sun                 £57         £62   
2-Day Fri/Sat      £72         £82
2-Day Sat/Sun      £83         £93
3-Day Weekend   £99         £114

We will be notified nearer the time with regards to pitch location etc and can advise you before the event

If you would like further information regarding prices we have been sent a rather long email detailing various ways to purchase tickets if you want to be apart of the Silver Sunday parade or if you are coming for the weekend. If you would like this information please email and she will send you the details direct.

We are looking forward to the weekend and hope that lots of members can attend as this is set to be a fun filled weekend and what a way to continue to celebrate 30 years of the Sinclair C5.

Please let us know if you are attending so we can build a list of members.