now as some of you should know, i made an attempt at getting some C5's to the DS&VR this year but i left it too late, so this year im starting to organise it on the final day of this years show.
the basic prospect of the show is that we will sign all up the C5's that are going. (mine is already registered). hopefully we will get enough people and C5s going that we can get a gazebo for them near the cycle section and we could get some sort of banner to hang up and information will be provided by us and a few signs, this will hopefully get lots of people in yorkshire ecited about seeing a Sinclair C5 as not many are seen up in yorkshire.
THE MAIN PART OF THE DAYalthough having the c5s in the gazebo will take up the majority of the day but there is two main parts of the day
1:at around 2 o-clock there will be a small rally around the main ring with some other vehicles and the bicycle section. this will usually last around half an hour.
2: At 5 oclock people will start to line up their vehicles in a certain order toward the gates. depending on which class their in will depend on where they are in the Que, we will be almost right at the front as we are in the bicycle category.
5:30- the main gates open and there is a massive and i mean MASSIVE rally around the town of Driffield which consits of all of the vehicles attending except a few. this will be the highlight of the day and i hope it will attract alot of attention for the c5.
i hope you can make it and hopefully stay both days but one is just fine.
thanks very much for reading - Josh
few things to note
old video of the town rally - years main rally in the ring- (sadly i couldnt find any videos of the rest of the show wich is very large those are just the main bits that everybody films.