C5Alive Forum - Archive Section > 2010
13/11/2010 : filming with "oldgoldtech.com"
...these guys seem to be into retro stuff as well;
The site is worth a look 8)
Neil from this website has been in touch and would like to do a feature on the Sinclair C5 and C5alive.
We've pencilled in a date of Saturday 13th November, so if anyone wants to come along with a c5 and join in with the filming let me know. Bit of an impromptu run/meeting I guess ;D
At the moment it is scheduled to take place at my house, but I'm making enquiries to see if Brooklands will let us film there. Still in the planning stages with the details very much subject to change ;)
The royal we is up for this bud
--- Quote from: radiomarty on 26, October, 2010 - 09:17:26 ---The royal we is up for this bud
--- End quote ---
Fantastic, I'll let you know once the details are all confirmed.
I might be up for this one as well?
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