C5Alive Forum - Archive Section > 2010
Future Car Challenge - halfway rest point at Crawley College
I went along to Crawley College to take a quick look at some of the vehicles taking part in the Future Car Challenge http://www.futurecarchallenge.com/
As expected there was some very nice and expensive machinery on display, especially loved the selection of Tesla's :) Mostly they were "mainstream" cars so not enough "oddball" stuff for my liking, but there were one or two that took my fancy 8)
What I didn't anticipate was the amount of attention "Voodoo" caused, at one point I was surrounded with people asking all about Sinclair C5's - which was superb ;D A few were brave enough to have a whizz about in Voodoo and all came back with the famous "C5 grin", raving about how good they are !
Pretty amazing considering the amount of corporate/company vehicles on show :D
A couple of piccies from the day ;
Retro Andy:
Caught on camera again Karl, I do like the little black car.
Retro Andy.
..and a few more piccies;
Hopefully this will become a regular annual event and start to atrract some more vehicles as it grows. It was well worth going along to, plus I met up with some friends from the Battery Vehicle Society...big hello to Nicky and thanks for the hug :-*
Apparently there were quite a few celebs there, but I was so wrapped up in speaking with people interested in c5's I didn't get to see half of what was going on. We might have to go "mob-handed" next year and have a proper c5alive event there ;D
We got a very nice mention in this review of the day;
..and also a mention on the BVS website;
...all had the famous "C5 grin", and now want one 8)
--- Quote from: Retro Andy on 06, November, 2010 - 17:31:17 ---Caught on camera again Karl, I do like the little black car.
Retro Andy.
--- End quote ---
I think it is this one.
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