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Author Topic: Anyone else in Scotland?  (Read 4993 times)

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Offline jockywilson11

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Anyone else in Scotland?
« on: 09, February, 2015 - 17:24:43 »
I got invited to an EV and Hybrid showing 10th & 11th of April in Edinburgh to display my C5 as part of the evolution of the electric car. Anyone else available that couple of days?

Details :-

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Can you tell me a little bit about your involvement with C5’s?

We are staging a low emission, electric and hydrogen Motor Show in Edinburgh in April and we are trying to create an electric vehicle timeline feature and showcase the development of electric vehicles over time and it wouldn’t be complete without the infamous Sinclair c5 joining that feature.

Would you perhaps have a c5 available on the 10th-11th April to showcase at our event at the Royal Highland Centre?

Kind regards
Dan Lee
Marketing Executive
GreenFleet (PSi Ltd)                       
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