C5alive Marketplace > Wanted - Sinclair C5 Parts & Accessories
Springy things mainly
Hi Guys, any of you got the following available please?...
i. The black motor cap and tube which holds the armature temp sensor?
ii. the small spring clip that holds the orange motor sensor to the body?
iii. A boot look clip
Thanks, Automino
Adam harper is your best bet because they would usually be sold with the motor.
heres a list showing some of the parts you need
--- Quote from: automino on 22, June, 2009 - 12:43:54 ---Hi Guys, any of you got the following available please?...
i. The black motor cap and tube which holds the armature temp sensor?
ii. the small spring clip that holds the orange motor sensor to the body?
iii. A boot look clip
Thanks, Automino
--- End quote ---
I've got a temp sensor , drop me an email ;)
Is this any use to you ?
...let me know if you want it ;)
I want it, I want it please please?
Battery terminal also on way back to you today... Am packing to move house so lost it temporarily
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