C5alive Marketplace > Wanted - Sinclair C5 Parts & Accessories
Rear bearing & big wheel for belt
i'm looking to get 2 rear bearings which are on the brake right side
the big gearwheel where the belt is running over is broken.
Does one know where i can get one?
Retro Andy:
I'm sure Karl would be able to sort them out for you.
Retro Andy.
See here for info about what to do.
Does it mean from C5Martin Post, that i didn't need that part which holds the small bearing balls in place?
--- Quote from: C5-Ben on 11, August, 2009 - 22:34:58 ---Does it mean from C5Martin Post, that i didn't need that part which holds the small bearing balls in place?
--- End quote ---
That is correct, the small "cage" that holds the bearings is not essential - it simply makes the assembly process easier and probably helped speed up the production line when the c5's were being built. If anything , removing the "cage" is a good thing because it means you use more bearings than standard.
I've done this myself on two C5's - it is a bit fiddly but does work.
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