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Author Topic: A C5 to "rent" for a Brazilian fan of the Sinclair brand  (Read 6461 times)

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Offline Garrettimus

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A C5 to "rent" for a Brazilian fan of the Sinclair brand
« on: 23, April, 2014 - 13:13:40 »
Hello from Brazil!  :)

I'll be visiting the UK soon (from May 2nd to the 10th) and I'd love to - at least - take a picture of myself on a Sinclair C5. Having the chance of seeing one in person would be awesome, so to speak.

Would someone "rent" me one just for, say, a photo session? I'm a big Sinclair fan! I wouldn't take the C5 away at all, I'd take some pictures in front of the owner. As the Americans say, "no big deal".  ;)

I'll be in Blackpool (3rd and 4th) then I'll head to London (near the Holborn tube station) for the remainder of my stay.

Thank you very much,

Greetings from Brazil,

« Last Edit: 23, April, 2014 - 13:15:38 by Garrettimus »