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Author Topic: Links to eBay etc.  (Read 2061 times)

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Offline KarlG

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Links to eBay etc.
« on: 23, October, 2012 - 15:50:29 »
Posted here due to lack of a suitable location.

Just a request.

When scanning old posts there are often links to eBay, a lot of these links are now dead or will be after a certain period. So one is lost as to what was being refered to.  :(

If I post a link to say LEDs and the trader allows this offer to end then the LEDs will be allocated a new article number when re-listed. This means my link will be of no use after a couple of months. If on the other hand I post a link and add the title of the article, name of trader, and price, then anyone who has interest can look up the name of the trader in eBay, he has the title so he can find out if the LEDs are still for sale.
This problem doesn't occur if the trader just continues his offer.

It's a different matter with private sales, after a couple of months all the data is deleted. So it would be nice just to add a small description concerning the subject so when the data is lost the reader has some idea what it's all about.
For example there was a link, now dead, in one of the posts, after reading the following posts it sounded very intriguing, but I've still no idea what it was all about.   :(

Cheers.  KarlG.