
"You Tube" footage of the C5alive meetings

Author Topic: NEW SHOP WEBSITE  (Read 17421 times)

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« on: 17, February, 2015 - 14:37:04 »
At long lasts we are pleased to announce that the NEW C5Alive website shop is now live.

Please access using the following link

Google has not yet updated so it is trying to link you to the old site, this will update as soon as we can get google to recheck the site or until they do this naturally.

We hope you enjoy the new look site with the new stock items as well, we will be continuing to add to the shop as we are still trying to source different items.

We welcome any comments, suggestions or feedback on the shop as well.

You can purchase items as a guest or create yourself an account which will make it easy for you to track your purchases and remember your address details etc.
