I've completely screwed myself over...
Head over heels in debt...
I keep giving my mum what I can out of my college funding, And So far, I've given her 95 quid towards my £160 debt...
And all of a sudden, She says "No, It wasnt 95, It was 30... And thats gone to paying off your old phone bills!"... She says I owe her a further 150 in phone bills cause I went over my contract last YEAR!... Now I have a motorbike out front that I Cant finish repairing... And I cant afford the insurance, Cant afford my license... I cant get f*** all for SELLING IT! So as of now, I have no money at ALL for nearly 10 weeks! None at ALL!

Sorry... Really needed to vent... Right now, I've got nothing to look forward to except a C5 meet... If I can scrounge the money to bloody get there....
Sorry if I sound so gloomy.